Welcome to Samford Area Men's Shed

The Samford Area Men's Shed extends an open invitation to all men, young and old, to drop in, see what goes on, meet the other men and enjoy the companionship the shed offers. You don't have to be a skilled craftsman to join us.

Our shed has been operating in the Samford region for ten years. It now boasts a fully equipped workshop where skilled and unskilled men can share time with each other and work together on projects.
Members make a variety of handcrafted items or may also work on their own personal projects. Some members repair and restore furniture.

You can also follow us on our Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100080676183375

Samford Area Men's Shed thanks Samford Community Bank

Samford Area Men's Shed thanks Samford Community Bank for a grant for funding of an Integrated Dust Extraction System

Samford  Community  Bank
Samford Area Men’s Shed is a grateful recipient of part of a $714 000 grant program provided by the Samford Community Bank.

The grants benefited 12 local community organisations and we are proud that ‘the Shed’ was able to mount a compelling case for inclusion.

The Dust Extraction System will address air quality issues in the shed created by the high activity in the wood and timber workshop and forms part of a more general refurbishment of our workshops to improve usability and the working environment.

For more information, email the shed at secretary@samfordshed.org.au

Take a look at our The AGM - 2024 Photo Album

The motion to increase the maximum number of Excom members was passed. As a result, the new committee has a mix of re-elected, continuing and new members as follows:

Chairman - Phil Walters (re-elected for one year)
Secretary - Jeff Bell (new)
Treasurer - Greg Prior - (new, elected for 2 years)
Committee -
Gibbo (re-elected for two years)
Podge (continuing, one year to go)
Garry Fielding (re-elected for two years)
Peter Carmichael (new, elected for two years)
Bob Greer (new, elected for two years)
Bruce Whittle (new, elected for two years)
George Reid
This is a great committee. I welcome them all and thank retiring members Les Maher and Les Cannard for their service to the shed over several years.
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View the full album The AGM - 2024

The Samford Village Pump. Read what's on in the Samford area and read a short article from Diggers about one of our members.

What's happening in The Shed

Quite a lot happening in the month of June. 

  • The monthly dinner and talk was up to the usual standard with luscious fare. Whether you believe in UFO’s or not, Paul Spottiswood cited lots of reports and gave us plenty to think about. 
  • The First Aid Awareness training was a resounding success, with 32 shedders participating. 
  • The presentation on Prostate health by Ruth Logan from ‘It’s a Bloke Thing’ was also well received by the 55 or so shedders present. Key Message: Know your (PSA) number…and track it. 
  • On the 29th of June, St Paul’s church celebrated its 100th birthday with a market celebration. The SAMS stand was well patronised, with many visitors showing considerable interest in the shed and our display items.

Take a look at our Whats happening

Lots of projects on from the woodies, steelies and the art team

Great work
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Select the link to see some of the work that the members have been involved in. 2024 Photo Album

Samford Area Men's Shed by Simply Stories

In 2022 a company called Simply Stories approached our SHED to do a short video on the Men Shed and what we do. 

This is the result and we hope it inspires all men to get out and get to know others in their community.

Click on this link to view the video.    Simply Stories

Why get involved?

Men’s Sheds have long been recognised for their demonstrated success in contributing to improvements in male health and wellness by reducing social isolation and increasing social engagement and connectedness. Maintaining strong social connections is vital for good mental health; so isolation and loneliness are serious problems. Sheds provide men with a safe, male-friendly environment for men to come together and have a meaningful purpose, to share experiences and sometimes share their problems.

(excerpt QMSA Enquiry into social isolation and loneliness in Qld 2020)

The Shed is their "Castle"

A regular sight on a Tuesday morning is our own Carlsen and Kasparov swapping moves before the meeting. Digby and Robert have been playing their weekly chess match for over two years. Chess is only one of the quieter pursuits in the shed. Members also enjoy snooker, table tennis, and darts. For those wanting relaxation minus the competition there is always the Art group or our well stocked library.Chess

(Digby and Robert matching wits)

These Boots Were Made For Walking

If you happen to see a group of men walking around Samford Downs and having way too much fun it is likely to be SAMS Walking Group. Each Tuesday before our morning tea get together a group of members go for a walk with the intention of improving their health and enjoying the company of their mates. The size of the group and the route taken varies but one thing is certain, they are better for the experience.

Walking Gp

The Iconic Bunnings Sausage Sizzle

Volunteering at the BBQ at Bunnings Keperra is a lot of fun and the money raised supports the various Shed activities. Over the years we have developed a good relationship with Bunnings and we look forward to it continuing. A big thanks goes out to all members who help out on the two or three days which are scheduled each year and especially to our hardworking co-ordinator John Dears who makes each event run smoothly.

Bunnings Feb 20

(Garry, Peter, John and Dearsy)

Helping Our Community

SAMS is happy to pitch in and help our community when the opportunity arises. For several years now SAMS members have assisted the Samford Riding for the Disabled by bagging horse manure which is then sold to raise funds. The team is aptly referred to as the 'Poo Patrol'.

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SAMS History

SAMS history covering the period 2011 - 2015 is now in the "Members" section. Dennis Arnold has done a wonderful job of compiling information about our formative years and it makes for very interesting reading. 

Platinum Sponsor
Moreton Bay Regional Council
Gold Sponsors
Klepper Pty. Ltd.
Bendigo Bank
Silver Sponsors
Ms. Nikki Boyd MPMs. Nikki Boyd MP

Ms Nikki Boyd, the Member for Pine Rivers, has made a substantial donation to SAMS which will go towards meeting our annual insurance costs

Phone (07) 3448 3100