
Samford Area Men's Shed acknowledges many local businesses and individuals who support their busy program.

Such support provides facilities and projects for members to undertake, all of which promote a good sense of camaraderie, wellbeing and community involvement.

We are grateful to Des Russell for his expertise in preparing and submitting current funding applications.

Grants and Donations

Gambling  Benefit fund logo

Samford Area Men's Shed wishes to acknowledge the Queensland Government via The Gambling Community Benefit Fund (GCBF)  for awarding  $4550 in the grant round ending October 2020 Round 107. These funds were used to purchase tools and equipment.

In October 2013, $23,937 was also received from GCBF Round 79 to build the Shed

The Australian Government supports Men's Sheds through the National Shed Development Programme.

Our Shed acknowledges funding in Round 19, November 2019 where $4000 was allocated to purchasing Indoor recreation equipment.

AU  Department of  Health logo

Klepper Pty Ltd

The Samford Area Men's Shed would like thank John Davidson of Klepper Pty Ltd for their generous donation of $5,000 in October, 2020. The installation of solar panels was made possible thanks to this support.

Klepper- Logo- 204 8x 788

Makita tools Australia

Thank you to Scott Walsh and Makita Australia for supporting the Samford Area Men's Shed.

Samford and District Progress and Protection Association

SDPPA 5 0th  Logo

Ongoing support is received from  SDPPA who provided a grant of $3000 in July 2018 to replace a bench saw.

$1924 was received in 2016 to purchase a garden shed and shelving.

The Shed Cuppa Making Station was also made possible through the support of SDPPA, who provided $2000 in June 2015.

Moreton Bay Regional Council Community Grants Programme

SAMS acknowledges the support of Moreton Bay Regional Council Community Grants program with the provision of $2000 towards a sharpening station in Round One 2015/2016 and $2000 in January 2017 to purchase tools and a blower.

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Thank you Bob

SAMS members recently had the opportunity to thank Cr Bob Millar for the great support that he has given to SAMS in our formative years. Cr Millar will not be contesting the next election and will be sorely missed in Div 11. Retirement from the council does not mean retirement from work however. As Bob indicated in his talk to the boys he will be as busy as ever with other projects. 
From all of the shedders thanks Bob. We wish you and Dot all the best for the future and hope to see you wielding the tools in the shed.

Bob Farewell
(Chairman Jeff helping Bob carve up a very big and tasty cake)

Defibrillator donated by Samford Community Bank

Continuing their support of  local organizations the Samford Community Bank recently purchased a defibrillator unit to service the various groups that use the showgrounds. The unit was presented to the Chairman by  by Bob Millar and Bronwyn Fitzpatrick from the Samford Community bank.

Following the presentation Grant Blaker from the Queensland Service demonstrated the use of the unit and answered many questions from the engaged audience.
When the formalities were completed a sausage sizzle was enjoyed by those in attendance which included representatives from Samford Riding for the Disabled, the Riley Club of Qld and the Samford Equestrian Group.
Photos from the morning are in the Gallery.

Defribillator 005
(Bronwyn Fitzpatrick and Bob Millar present the unit to John Sayer)

Defribillator 011
(Grant Blaker and an enthralled audience)

Visit from our State Member

Our local State Member, Nikki Boyd, dropped in last Tuesday to congratulate the members on successfully applying for a Gambling Fund grant. Money from the grant will be used to purchase much needed equipment for the metalwork area. The Shed members appreciate Nikki's support and look forward to putting the new machinery to good use.

Nikki Boyd
( Nikki, Chairman Jeff and some of the boys. )

Thankyou Samford & DIstrict Progress & Protection Association - The Baby Shed

The last working bee at the shed saw the erection of our baby shed. With a generous grant from the Samford and District Progress and Protection Association we were able to purchase a good sized garden shed which will be used to store some of those things which currently clutter the meeting area.
Our team of construction engineers worked feverishly under the guidance of the Governor General to have the shed up in record time. The suggested time of 1-2 hours was easily surpassed by our team of professionals who had it almost complete in 6 hours.
Make sure you have a look at the photos in the Gallery.

Garden Shed 013

SAMS New Slab funded by Bendigo Bank 2015

media-release-new-logoBronwyn Fitzpatrick from the Samford Community Bank branch of the Bendigo Bank attended our Tuesday get-together so that we could thank her for their latest grant. Bronwyn and Bendigo Bank have been steadfast supporters of SAMS and provided a grant which enabled us to lay a slab for an outdoor entertainment area. With SAMS numbers continuing to grow there was a need for additional space on Guest Speaker nights, AGMs etc and Bendigo Bank came to the party. Our next project will be to cover that area.


(Bronwyn & the boys on the new slab)

Platinum Sponsor
Moreton Bay Regional Council
Gold Sponsors
Klepper Pty. Ltd.
Bendigo Bank
Silver Sponsors
Ms. Nikki Boyd MPMs. Nikki Boyd MP

Ms Nikki Boyd, the Member for Pine Rivers, has made a substantial donation to SAMS which will go towards meeting our annual insurance costs

Phone (07) 3448 3100